11:00 - 11:50am GSA Leasing and Legal Panel and Q&A – Moderated by Marcy Owens Test, CBRE, Inc.
- John Thomas, Acting Assistant Commissioner, Office of Leasing
- Gina DiTommaso, Lease Project Management and Tools Division, Office of Leasing
- Justin Hawes, Director, Lease Policy & Innovation Division, Office of Leasing
1:30 - 3:00pm Tenant Agency Housing Planning Panel and Q&A What are Tenant’s Housing Priorities/How Can the Private Sector Help? Moderated by: Kurt Stout, Colliers International
- John Holloway, Director, HQ Design & Construction at TSA
- Byron Adkins, Director, Office of Facilities and Environmental Quality, US Department of Commerce
10:00 - 11:00am Dept. of Veterans Affairs Update Panel and Q&A- Moderated by: Diana Parks, Curran Legal Services Group, Inc.
- Tony Costa, Deputy Executive Director
- Mitch Ortiz, Director, Lease Delivery, Office of Real Property
- Matt Leddy, Deputy, Director, Lease Execution, Office of Real Property
11:00 - 11:05am Closing Remarks, Greg Margetich, Executive Chairman of NFDA
Pre-Recorded Sessions
Financing Update - Mark Ritchie, Gantry Leasing Update – Chad Becker, Arco Real Estate Solutions Legal Update – Bob MacKichan and Gordon Griffin, Holland & Knight Sales Update - Marc Rampulla and Brian Saal, CBRE
*The pre-recorded sessions will be available to view throughout the duration of the conference. Please feel free to view them during your free time. The live sessions and the pre-recorded sessions will be available to access by the week of the 25th, for up to about 10 days for conference registrants, and for an unlimited time for members.
**Agenda subject to change.